HOA Roof Replacement

Bay Area Roofing Contractors Have Some Tips

If you own a business or commercial property, taking care of the roof should be part of your routine maintenance and expenditures. After all, your roof protects your building, inventory, and staff from the elements- preventing costly water damage, too. A San Francisco commercial re-roofing professional recommends creating a 2021 roofing checklist to ensure your roof is in condition to take on weather, wind, and the environment year-round.

Does your roof need Oakland Roofing services? Use this 2021 Roofing Checklist to find out:

Start by taking a hard look at your roof: do you notice sags, spots, or missing shingles?
Next, take a look inside the property to determine if your roof could be leaking or causing water damage: are there stains or spots on the ceilings or along exterior walls? Do you smell mildew or see signs of mold?

The first order of business should be to hire a professional roofing contractor to replace any missing or broken shingles. This will help to curb immediate water damage.

Clear out the gutters of your home. This is critical to preventing water from running down the sides of your roof and building. Over time, gutters can clog and become heavy- even breaking free and doing considerable damage. Keep them clean and clear.

Take care of your roof flashing to reduce the risk of water damage. If your visual inspection detected damaged or broken flashing, make repairing this a priority and call a professional.
Take time and care to clean the roof thoroughly. This may seem like a DIY task, but if you hire a pro to clean the roof, they can also give the roof an up-close inspection to tease-out any further issues that may not be as easy to identify.

Consider the possibility that the time has come for a new roof to protect your business- and investment. First, consider the age of the roof. Most have a lifespan of around 20 years- how old is your roof? Take into account, also, if there have been any disasters or extreme weather in your region lately; this can also impact the condition and overall integrity of your roof.


Not sure about where your roof stands in terms of the checklist? Call or visit Ben’s Roofing and talk to a professional San Francisco roofing company. They will evaluate the situation and get your roof back on track to protect your home and loved ones from the elements. Contact us here anytime.